Things I’ve Found: 5/16

Hey everyone 🙂 Since I am currently still looking for a job, I have had lots of time to look around on the internet and watch TV!  This weeks has been filled with lots of new shows and interesting finds! Here are the best things from this week:

-ONCE UPON A TIME! OMG I am obsessed with this show! I love Disney so this show gets me every episode.  The only downside is when the dogs are sitting watching with me.  Every time they say “Prince Charming” our puppy Prince Charming freaks out and every time they say “Cinderella” our puppy Cinderella gets all excited and wants to play.

-Everyone who knows me knows I LOVEEEE BuzzFeed and probably send at least one article out each day to either Ryan, Jaclyn, or Laura.  When they post DISNEY posts, I share them with the world! Every time I watch a Disney movie, I always feel like I have so many questions at the end, and BuzzFeed has the same problem.  Check out 24 Questions Disney Left Unanswered and post your additional questions in the comments on this post 🙂

-I cannot get enough of this Solange/Jay-Z elevator fight!  It is so dumb and pointless that I cannot look away! The memes that are being posting are KILLING ME.  Here is a list made by The Hollywood Gossip of the best ones; My fave is #100problems

-Modern Family is my shizzz.  My dad was Phil (and so is Ryan) and I want friends like Mitch and Cam! I promised Ryan that if we had a daughter, she would be super sassy like Lily (“does somebody need a WAHHHHmbulance?!”) I cannot wait to watch Part 1 of the wedding tonight with Ryan! Anyone watch it yet?! Don’t spoil it for me but let me know how it was!!!

-With all of the wild fires breaking out in San Diego and around Camp Pendleton, I believe that giving back to those who have lost is important.  If you would like to make a donation to those who lost their homes please visit San Diego Regional Fire Foundation.  I would like to thank all of the men and women who put their lives on the line to keep all of us safe!


Anyone else find anything interesting this week?

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