Looks I Love: CMT Awards

AHHHH I love country music! The CMT Awards were amazing, and had some AMAZING fashion! I love the fact that the country artists don’t take it too seriously and have tons of fun! Here are the five looks I LOVED from last night:

5. Miranda Lambert: All I can say is…DAMN GIRL YOU LOOK FINE!!!! I thought she looked amazing before but now, holy crap! She still looks super healthy and the cut of this dress makes her look long and lean! Not to mention her hair looks fantastic! You go girl!


4. Carrie Underwood: While this isn’t the BEST picture of this dress, I promise it looks perfect on her! I love this window everyone is doing now on their dresses, it shows just the right amount of skin without looking trashy.  Carrie always looks stunning and the CMT awards was no different!

carrie underwood

3. John Legend: Simple yet super cool! John always looks so put together without looking like he is trying really hard.  While a lot of non-county celebs tried to look “country” at the CMT Awards, John stuck true to his personal style! Kudos to you John!

john legend

2. Beth Behrs: While I think Beth’s hair looks like she just rolled out of best, I am OBSESSED with this dress! Like need it in my closet right now kind of obsessed! It has a country/prairie feel to it without being too over the top.  It has just the right amount of elegance without looking like she is heading to the Oscars.

beth behrs

1. Elizabeth Cook: I love patterns! I love the cut of this! I love when a girl isn’t afraid to take risks! This dress is so much fun for a not very serious event!  And her accessories are not too much this the crazy printed dress! Love love love!!!

elizabeth cook

These are my top five worst dressed of the night:

5. Jason Derulo: First of all, why is he even here? He doesn’t have any talent, and has NOTHING to do with country music!!! He is one of the farthest things from country music! I also don’t understand this male adult diaper look that all of these guys are “rocking.” You look like you crapped yourself Mr. Derulo, now go auto tune yourself some more.

jason derulo

4. LeeAnn Rhimes: Besides having no respect for her as a person, she looks like she is going to a toga party at some second rate frat.  This dress is too “skankalicious” for my liking, and you can also see her bikini tan lines.  She has enough money to go get a spray tan.  Get it together gurllllll.

lee ann

3.  Luke Bryan: I am sorry my booty shaking lover…You look a mess! Too bad I couldn’t find a good picture of him with his wife, she looks like candy dots!! The denim pants are fine, but the shoes are just awful and looking at that jacket is hurting my eyes! I understand not wanting a “stylist” but he usually looks great! Stick to the jeans, t-shirts and cowboy boots honey (or better yet, naked with a guitar!)

luke bryan

2.  Kate Walsh: I love this dress but it is too much for a more casual event! It would be perfect for something like the Billboard Music Awards, or even the Emmy’s!  The pattern is too fancy for country music! And the shoes are killing me.  KILLING ME! You aren’t a secretary!

kate walsh

1. Meghan Linsey: This is taking the “country look” too far! She looks like she should be a overly ecstatic tour guide at Dollywood! The cut also does NOTHING for her awesome figure.  I can’t hate on the shoes or the hair, but the dress is a huge NO!


meghan linsey


What do you guys think? Who do you think had the best and worst looks of the night?

Things I’ve Found: 5/16

Hey everyone 🙂 Since I am currently still looking for a job, I have had lots of time to look around on the internet and watch TV!  This weeks has been filled with lots of new shows and interesting finds! Here are the best things from this week:

-ONCE UPON A TIME! OMG I am obsessed with this show! I love Disney so this show gets me every episode.  The only downside is when the dogs are sitting watching with me.  Every time they say “Prince Charming” our puppy Prince Charming freaks out and every time they say “Cinderella” our puppy Cinderella gets all excited and wants to play.

-Everyone who knows me knows I LOVEEEE BuzzFeed and probably send at least one article out each day to either Ryan, Jaclyn, or Laura.  When they post DISNEY posts, I share them with the world! Every time I watch a Disney movie, I always feel like I have so many questions at the end, and BuzzFeed has the same problem.  Check out 24 Questions Disney Left Unanswered and post your additional questions in the comments on this post 🙂

-I cannot get enough of this Solange/Jay-Z elevator fight!  It is so dumb and pointless that I cannot look away! The memes that are being posting are KILLING ME.  Here is a list made by The Hollywood Gossip of the best ones; My fave is #100problems

-Modern Family is my shizzz.  My dad was Phil (and so is Ryan) and I want friends like Mitch and Cam! I promised Ryan that if we had a daughter, she would be super sassy like Lily (“does somebody need a WAHHHHmbulance?!”) I cannot wait to watch Part 1 of the wedding tonight with Ryan! Anyone watch it yet?! Don’t spoil it for me but let me know how it was!!!

-With all of the wild fires breaking out in San Diego and around Camp Pendleton, I believe that giving back to those who have lost is important.  If you would like to make a donation to those who lost their homes please visit San Diego Regional Fire Foundation.  I would like to thank all of the men and women who put their lives on the line to keep all of us safe!


Anyone else find anything interesting this week?

How To Wear: Graphic Tee

So I love being witty. I love sarcasm. And I love being blunt. Because I love all of those things, I love wearing funny t-shirts. I want to walk down the street and everyone knows what I am thinking. Graphic tees have been around for a while, and have been not-so-popular after the Abercrombie fall out several years ago, but now, I am happy to say, THEY ARE BACK! Online stores like Nasty Gal, Etsy and Forever 21 are bringing the typography style back to us! Our generation has always been told to “express ourselves” and this is one way of doing that!

This is one of my FAVORITE funny t-shirts from Nasty Gal:

mad love

Since I love being witty, I want to wear things like this in every situation, work, school, going out, relaxing at the house, so I am going to show you two different ways to wear this top, going from day to night!

Day: Office


Watch: Macys Earrings: Charloette Russe Sweater: Forever 21

Heels: Nasty Gal Pants: ASOS

These pieces can all be worn together or with different outfits. While this outfit isn’t more the more “conservative” offices, most are more causal in their dress codes!

Night: Going Out With Friends
Bag: StopBop Booties: Steve Madden Rings: Forever 21 Skirt: Target
Teardrop Necklace: Forever 21 Chain-Link Necklace: Forever 21

Like the day outfit, all of these pieces can be used for other outfits. I re purposed the earrings from the office look to go out in! When I go out, I want to always be comfortable, and heels don’t usually give you that luxury during a night out, which is why I opted for booties (plus they are on sale!).

Let me know what you think!

I’m Back…. :)

Hey everyone!!! I am finally settled in at my new home in San Diego and have almost all of my wedding planning done, so now I am back and ready to continue my blog.  First, let me update everyone on how the past almost year has been….

I finished my Masters from FIDM in Merchandise Marketing and then promptly got a job at a power tools company (yeah glad I followed my career path!) I had a lot of fun and learned a lot, but something was telling me to go back home while Ryan was gone. 

Ryan left for too long (8 months) and I moved back home to Michigan to get support from my family and friends.

I started doing visuals for Forever 21 and LOVEDDDD it! I met some amazing people and gained a lot of new knowledge and was super sad to leave.

My father passed away.  It was very sad and very unexpected, but I learned so much about him during his passing.  I had the best father any girl could ask for, and it really made me appreciate all of the wonderful things he did for me.

Ryan came home (yayyyyy) which means I am now back in California!  We have less than 4 month until our wedding in Indiana and are both SUPERR excited for it!


Cinderella, Prince Charming and I are settling in to our new place and looking for our dream job! Cant wait to update everyone on what is to come for us!






A&F CEO Remarks

Hello everyone. I am jumping on the band wagon here and posting my feelings about the A&F CEO’s remarks about fat people not being “cool enough” to wear the brands clothing. Having worked for A&F for several years, I have first hand experience on this.

First of all, Mike Jeffries is one of the most unattractive people I have ever laid my eyes on!! Sorry to be mean, but it’s what we are all thinking!!! He also is NOT smaller then a size 10 (or whatever that is for men, I think a 36).

Second, what kind of message is this sending to the young kids who are shopping at these stores? Kids today are having all of these negative images thrown at them WAYYY more then even when I was a teenager. The pressure these kids and young adults are under to “stay thin” or “look or be perfect” is crazy. I could not have dealt with that. If a company, especially one that already sells clothing at the wrong size, is telling them that they are “too fat” just because they are not a 00, that is only going to have a bigger impact on their self image.

I struggled for years with how I looked. I always looked at myself in the mirror and thought that I was fat. Now that I look back, I was nuts. When I worked at Abercrombie Kids and Hollister, I had a hard time buying clothes. This was not because they were too small, its because they were all too big. I was 17 years old wearing a size 12 or 14 kids pants. I was a dancer and stayed fairly active, so that is why I was so small. Why did I ever think I was “fat?” Because that is the message I was getting since I did not look like the models in the magazines I was reading.

Wedding Fever <3 <3

So since I am currently planning my wedding, you all get to suffer through wedding posts…YAYYYY! Even though KH never got married, that doesn’t mean she didn’t believe in true love.

I love Pinterest, what girl doesn’t? It has been so helpful in the short amount of time I have been planning my wedding, especially since I always told myself I was never ever getting married. I started my wedding PinBoard just for fun, because everyone else had one and I thought that when my friends got married, I could help them out. It has been a GREAT source of information, mainly because I am not your typical bride. I told one venue we were going to try and break their record for the shortest ceremony because I believe that a wedding is a celebration and is about our two families joining and having fun (think “Til Death Do Us Party” theme). I also did not want the “white dress.” I am unique and everyone should see that. When I was just home in Michigan, I FOUND MY DRESS! I didn’t think I would find it so soon, but when you know, you just know. Luckily for me, I had went on a wedding Pinterest spree right before that, so I had lots of inspiration to show these Michigan bridal stores, which tend to be more traditional. While I will not post my dress (mostly because Ryan (my finance) would kill me!), I am more then happy to show you my inspiration! While I was looking for a dress that NO ONE would normally wear (think pink or black) my fiancé is more on the traditional side. While picking out dresses I liked, it was hard to keep in mind that this was his day too and I wanted him to think I was beautiful. Here are my picks for a balance of traditional and unique 🙂




crazy lace






short sleeve



Let me know which one you guys like best!

Outfits From the Past Year

Hey all!!! Thought I would post some of the outfits I’ve been rockin since I last actively posted!

Hope you enjoy 🙂

4th of July

birthday kristina
Roommate Birthday

Super Bowl Photoshoot

Grunge is Back!


Work Photoshoot

marine ball
Marine Ball

Mustache (So Trendy HAHA)

new years
New Years with my love

New Orleans

New Orleans with my mom and Laura

Roommate and I in Santa Monica

Spring Photoshoot

Universal Studios

vegas with fam
Vegas with my mom and Laura

Vegas with Caitlin

wax KH
And of course…Katharine ❤

Hello everyone!

Hey everyone!!!

So it has been almost a year since I have posted anything on my blog. I thought I would have all of this time while at FIDM to keep up my blog, boy was I wrong!!!

While being in school for my masters full time, working at a clothing store full time, and starting a new relationship, I honestly didn’t have five minutes to do anything!!!

I promise I will start posting again…for now here is a little update on my life over the past year!

1. I have been in Los Angeles, CA for almost a year now! I love it here and never want to leave! Cinderella and I have been loving the weather 🙂

cinderella outside

2. I met a new bestie…MITCHELL! He is also from the Midwest and says ZIP CODE really funny 🙂 Love him and I don’t know what I would do without him here!!!

mitchell and i

3. I am recently engaged!! His name is Ryan and he is a Marine here in California. I have never been so happy. We are getting married at the end of next summer!

ryan and i

I will be working on my upcoming fashion posts tonight 🙂


Hey everyone! Sorry I have been totally slacking and not updating but I am super busy getting ready to move to Los Angeles to start at FIDM in a little over a week!!! Who knew packing and moving across the country would be so stressful and difficult!

Just to get back into the swing of things, and get myself ready for my cross country trip with my mom, sister, and puppy, here are a few ideas for outfits to wear on your summer road trips!!

bag shoes top shorts watch

sunglasses sandals tank shorts bracelet ring