I’m Back…. :)

Hey everyone!!! I am finally settled in at my new home in San Diego and have almost all of my wedding planning done, so now I am back and ready to continue my blog.  First, let me update everyone on how the past almost year has been….

I finished my Masters from FIDM in Merchandise Marketing and then promptly got a job at a power tools company (yeah glad I followed my career path!) I had a lot of fun and learned a lot, but something was telling me to go back home while Ryan was gone. 

Ryan left for too long (8 months) and I moved back home to Michigan to get support from my family and friends.

I started doing visuals for Forever 21 and LOVEDDDD it! I met some amazing people and gained a lot of new knowledge and was super sad to leave.

My father passed away.  It was very sad and very unexpected, but I learned so much about him during his passing.  I had the best father any girl could ask for, and it really made me appreciate all of the wonderful things he did for me.

Ryan came home (yayyyyy) which means I am now back in California!  We have less than 4 month until our wedding in Indiana and are both SUPERR excited for it!


Cinderella, Prince Charming and I are settling in to our new place and looking for our dream job! Cant wait to update everyone on what is to come for us!






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